«Brasil ao vivo» – project 2011

— 16.12.11., 18h, Stiftung Brasilea, Westquaistrasse 39, Basel, Dreiländereck BASILEA —

The Brasilea Foundation and MSc International Management FHNW have the pleasure of inviting you and your friends to the following «Brasil ao vivo» event:

We are glad to present our results of the «Brasil ao vivo» project 2011 on Brazilian Management and Leadership in the wake of the World Cup 2014 and the Olympic Games in Rio 2016 and to celebrate with you.

INFO: +41 61 262 39 39 | Free entry, free drinks & food

We would be honoured to welcome you on as our guest and are looking forward to meeting you there.

FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Prof. Dr. Thomas Buergi
Dean MSc International Management | Programme Director Edinburgh Business School MBA/DBA FHNW
Riggenbachstrasse 16 | CH-4601 Olten and Peter Merian-Strasse 86 | P.O. Box | CH-4002 Basel
Tel. +41 62 286 00 34 | thomas.buergi@fhnw.ch | www.fhnw.ch

Postfach | Westquaistrasse 39 | CH – 4019 Basel
Phone +41 61 262 39 39 | Fax +41 61 631 39 65

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