Proyectos de cooperación de la EPFL (CODEV) seleccionados: con México, Colombia y Venezuela


A multigenerational framework to study urban awareness through mobile sensing and collaborative action

Daniel Gatica-Pérez (LIDIAP / STI)

This project aims at implementing and validating a multigenerational framework to study urban awareness of three populations groups living in three cities in Central Mexico. The key idea is to integrate the collective action of seniors, youth, and young adults with participatory sensing, social media and crowdsourcing technologies, to document and scientifically quantify the perception of these urban environments, to address concrete sustainable urban development challenges defined by the communities, and to foster social cohesion across populations.




Use of high-power pulsed microwave sources for clearance of improvised explosive devices

Farhad Rachidi (EMC / STI)

This project proposes a new line of research involving the generation of high-power pulsed microwave fields. The project expands existing cooperation between EPFL and National University of Colombia (UNC) on the use of electromagnetic signals for remote detonation and clearance of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The project proposes the study of a microwave source called Virtual Cathode Oscillator (Vircator). Theoretical work developed at EPFL and at UNC will be complemented with experimental work supported by the use of a Vircator provided by Armasuisse.



VERTICAL SLUMS/VERSATIL CITIES : Interdisciplinary research on hybrid urbanism and the construction of contemporary cities -Appeal about the Torre David in Caracas, Venezuela

Yves Pedrazzini (LASUR / ENAC)

Taken from the known example of the Torre David, but also from the bars of the «23 de Enero», as well as few other formal/informal cases of architectural hybridization in Caracas, the project questions the place of «slums» through a global approach of the large contemporary cities of the South, both as a principle of urbanity and as a consequence of a segregated urbanization process.
The project thus questions the versatile nature of a city starting from the slum as a new urban icon, but also as a hybrid solution for the habitat of the poor.


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