Inauguración de la exposición «Without Restraint» de artistas mexicanas

— Kunstmuseum Bern, 02.06.2016.



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Discurso del Embajador de México en Suiza, Jorge Castro-Valle K. 

Guten Abend, sehr geehrte Gäste. Grüessech miteinand. Herzlich willkommen!

Muy buenas tardes, señoras y señores, miembros de la comunidad mexicana y amigos de habla hispana.
Good evening, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear guests and friends of Mexico.

Nach der erfolgreichen Schau „Mexiko im Spiegel seiner Kunst“ im Herbst 2013, wird heute die Ausstellung „Without Restraint“ mit Werken von sieben zeitgenössischen mexikanischen Künstlerinnen aus der Daros Latinamerica Collection im Kunstmuseum Bern eröffnet.

Im Rahmen des siebzig-jährigen Jubiläums der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Mexiko und der Schweiz und als Zeichen der Offenheit und des Respekts für die künstlerische Schaffensfreiheit haben die Aussenminister beider Länder ihre Schirmherrschaft übernommen.

Mein Dank gilt in erster Linie dem KMB und seinem Team, ganz besonders der Kuratorin Dr. Valentina Locatelli. Meine Anerkennung gilt auch der Daros Latinamerica Collection sowie allen Sponsoren, die diese Ausstellung ermöglicht haben. Merci vielmal! Muchas gracias!


Dear guests,

Mexico and Switzerland are celebrating the 70th anniversary of their diplomatic relations along with almost 185 years of friendship since the signing of their first bilateral treaty in 1832.

Switzerland is an important and respected partner for Mexico in the political and economic fields, in academic and scientific cooperation, in tourism and, last but not least, in cultural exchanges.

To celebrate our diplomatic anniversary, a commemorative program was launched during Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter´s visit to Mexico in May 2015 which will culminate with the State visit of President Johann Schneider-Ammann next November.

During the past months, Mexico has promoted its “soft power” in several cantons of this beautiful country offering the Swiss public a glimpse of its music and folklore, its traditions, its cinema and photography, its literature and poetry, as well as a taste of its rich cuisine, recognized by UNESCO as cultural heritage of humanity.

Our aim has been to present Mexico in its different aspects. A young and creative nation of more than 120 million people proud of their millenary cultural legacy. A fascinating and diverse country, with its contrasts and contradictions, a responsible global actor, as well as one of the leading emerging economies and tourist destinations in the world.

But Mexico is also a state that openly acknowledges the daunting challenges that it faces and is determined to tackle them in such sensitive areas as strengthening the rule of law and respect for human rights, or the scourge of organized crime and its sequel of violence.

A nation with an active and demanding society that is undergoing profound transformations in order to take full advantage of its potential and of the opportunities ahead for a more prosperous, inclusive and secure future.

The exhibition Without Restraint pays tribute to the relevant contribution of women to modern Mexico. Not only of famous figures such as Frida Kahlo, the world-renowned art icon, or the pioneer feminist Amalia de Castillo Ledón, the first woman to lead cultural policy in Mexico and who later became the first Mexican Ambassador to Switzerland. But also of the many women who, in spite of the overwhelming hurdles and difficulties that they have had to overcome, have left their imprint on the country´s political, social and cultural life.

The works being shown by Ximena Cuevas, Claudia Fernández, Teresa Margolles, Betsabeé Romero, Maruch Sántiz Gómez, Melanie Smith, and Teresa Serrano – who honors us with her presence here this evening – give us a brief but representative perspective of artistic creation in Mexico at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries.

With courageous and provocative creativity, and without restraint, these artists address some of the painful issues affecting women in today´s Mexican society: machismo, discrimination, harassment, abuse. While undeniable progress has been made in the empowerment of women, they also remind us of the long way still to go in order to achieve effective and substantial gender equality in our nation.

Please note that the exhibition will be accompanied by guided visits, art talks, a film cycle at Kino Rex and a gastronomic sampling in the Museum Café.

We hope that the commemorative program of our diplomatic anniversary as a whole will contribute to provide a more comprehensive picture of Mexico in all its complexity and diversity, its contrasts and contradictions, its challenges and opportunities, ultimately leading to a better mutual understanding and bringing our societies closer together.

Thank you for your attention. Muchas gracias por su atención. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und wünsche allen noch einen interessanten Abend.

Viva Suiza! Viva México!


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Parte del público presente en la inaguración de la exposición


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