| OSEC | Latcam |


Latin American Day 2012

— Organiza OSEC y Latcam el 10.05.12., en Convention Point (Selnaustrasse 30) ZURICH —
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A Conference of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland (Latcam) and Osec

Switzerland’s Annual Flagship Event on Doing Business in Latin America (The conference will be in English)

09:00 to 09:30 REGISTRATION & COFFEE
Moderated by Dr. Dorit Sallis, Managing Director, Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland & Ulrich Hinterberger, Consultant, Latin America, Osec

09:30 to 09:45 Welcome, Dr. Richard A. Friedl, President, Latcam Welcome, Minister Martin von Walterskirchen, Regional Director Americas, Osec

09:45 to 10:05 Keynote: Business between Switzerland and Latin America in Light of the WTO Agreements and Multilateral Trade Negotiations
Dr. Alejandro Jara, Deputy Director General, WTO

10:05 to 10:20 Recent Political Developments in Switzerland’s Relationship with Latin America and Implications for Swiss Business
Minister Daniel Hunn, Deputy Director, Political Affairs Division II, The Americas, Directorate of Political Affairs, Federal Department for Foreign Affairs (EDA)

10:20 to 10:35 Swiss Foreign Economic Policy toward Latin America: Assessment and Prospects
Ambassador Eric Martin, Head of Bilateral Economic Relations Services with the Foreign Economic Affairs Directorate, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

10:35 to 11:00 Panel Discussion with Dr. Alejandro Jara, Ambassador Eric Martin and Minister Daniel Hunn
Moderated by Minister Philippe Nell, Head, Americas, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)


11:30 to 11:45 Managing SME Business Risk in Latin America
(Speaker to be announced), Euler Hermes

11:45 to 12:00 Aqua Innovation GmbH in Latin America: Experiences and Lessons Learned
Alejandro Schnyder, CEO, Aqua Innovation GmbH

12:00 to 12:15 Ernst Basler & Partner in Latin America: Experiences and Lessons Learned
Hans-Christian Angele, Member of Management, Ernst Basler & Partner

12:15 to 12:30 Safemine AG in Latin America: Experiences and Lessons Learned
Peter Stegmaier, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Safemine AG

12:30 to 12:50 Social Integration of Disadvantaged Youth through Football
Dr. Eduardo Belza, Director of the Uruguayan Football Association (Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol – AUF)

12:50 to 13:10 Questions & Answers

13:10 to 13:20 Closing Statements, Martin von Walterskirchen, Osec and Dr. Richard A. Friedl, Latcam


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