2021 VI Podium Success


The VI Podium was a remarkable success!

Dear speakers and moderators, members of the Honorary Committee, the Organizing Committee, the technical group and the public attending (in person and virtually) at the VI Podium «Latin American Day: Business Challenges»:

Please accept the sincere gratitude of PuntoLatino for your valuable contribution to the success of our recent VI Podium. The quality of the presentations, the interest of the public, the articulation of the program, the impeccable organization are elements that encourage us to continue along the line of work that we have set ourselves.

The objective of the event was fully achieved: to promote reflection on the current challenges facing Swiss companies in Latin America, from multinationals to SMEs to start-ups. The prestige of Swiss companies, the world-renowned Swiss innovation and the high level of its technology do not exempt Swiss business from facing the challenges of the times we live in. It was a successful day of reflection on the subject!

As in all our annual podiums, the participation of the academy, the Latin American diplomatic corps, the Swiss government and institutions, associations and students meant that the characteristics of all previous podiums were maintained. The section for doctoral students has also been maintained.

Philippe Nell participated in the podium on the Pacific Alliance (UNIBE) and on Direct Democracy (UZH), Yvette Sánchez on the Empowerment of Women in Latin America (UNIBE), Jaime Duarte who participated as a scientist in the podium on Innovation and Technology (ETHZ) in this Podium, participated as a businessman.

The Latin American embassies give level and continuity to the Podiums: the Mexican embassies, which have been the venue for the key meetings since the first podium, together with the active participation of the embassies of Chile, Peru, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Our five sections had luxury moderators: the ambassadors of Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. We cannot fail to mention the Latin Club of the HSG among the esteemed «repeat offenders.»

This year we have had the honour of having more embassies participating than in previous years. We hope that this participation will continue.

The Swiss government has honoured us once again with its participation: the FDFA and SECO have renewed their presence this year. Previously, we have also had the presence of SEFRI and other departments of the federal administration.

This is the first time that the VI Podium – due to the pandemic – has been a hybrid event: in-person and virtual. This has allowed the participation of speakers from Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay and French-speaking Switzerland.

The reception. This time with an extraordinary buffet accompanied by Argentine and Chilean wines. The satisfaction of everyone was evident in the lively reception, where almost all the conversations continued lively on topics discussed at the podium,

The work of the support group made the event impeccable: the schedule was maintained, and the balance between the participation of the public both in person and in the delayed broadcast.

2024: A Podium on Dual Training?
As every year, we will continue with the theme of our VI Podium by publishing reports, articles, rounds of interviews, etc. I will write to the speakers and moderators, as well as to the participants, inviting them to take part in these activities. And, finally, I ask for advice and ideas to see the possibility of setting up an eventual Podium for 2024 on Dual Training.

Many thanks again to all of you.
Luis Vélez Serrano, Coordinator of PuntoLatino

Mexican Ambassador Cecilia Jaber at the opening of the VI Podium. (©Photo: CLS – HSG)


Prof. Yvette Sánchez (UNI SG) at the opening of the VI-Podium


Luis Vélez Serrano, Coordinator of PuntoLatino, at the opening of the VI Podium

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