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Palabras del Embajador de México en Suiza, Jorge Castro-Valle Kuehne,

con motivo del CCIV aniversario del inicio de la Gesta de Independencia de México. Berna, 15 de septiembre de 2014.


Distinguished authorities from the federal and cantonal governments, as well as from the parliament of the Swiss Confederation;

Excellencies, dear colleagues, welcome and thank you for honoring us with your presence at this celebration of Mexico´s National Day;

Liebe Gäste und Freunde Mexikos, gruezi miteinand; herzlichst willkommen auf diesem Empfang anlässlich des Mexikanischen Nationalfeiertages;

Bonjour, chers amis de la Suisse Romande, je vous souhaite la bienvenue à notre Fête Nationale mexicaine;

Benvenuti a la Festa Nazionale messicana, cari amici del Ticino;

Estimados compatriotas y amigos de México, bienvenidos y muchas gracias por acompañarnos en esta celebración tan significativa para todos los mexicanos;

Ladies and gentlemen,

For the second consecutive year, it is my pleasure to host a National Day reception as Ambassador of Mexico to Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

My wife Greta and I thank you sincerely for accepting our invitation to join us on this significant occasion for Mexico.

In 1810, Mexico – once the cradle of magnificent ancient civilizations like the Mayas and Aztecs – initiated its struggle for independence after 300 years of colonial domination. In the more than two centuries that have passed, this quest continues, albeit with different objectives, challenges and opportunities.
Nowadays, under the leadership of President Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico is undergoing profound transformations. It is striving to consolidate itself as a nation in peace, with security for its people; with social inclusion and with quality education for its youth; and as a more prosperous country with sustainable development, economic growth and job creation.

During these past months, impressive progress has been made with the approval of 11 far-reaching structural reforms in the fields of education, labor, energy, telecommunications, finances, taxes, economic competitiveness, transparency, electoral policies, criminal law procedures and constitutional protection. Now, the challenge is the practical implementation of these historic reforms to benefit our society. President Peña Nieto promised to move Mexico and he has delivered. Mexico is on the move!

Internationally, Mexico is a multidimensional nation. Historically and culturally, we are a proud member of Latin America and the Caribbean; geographically and economically, we are an integral part of North America; we are increasingly linked with Europe and the Asia-Pacific region with free trade and advanced cooperation agreements; and we are developing a stronger presence and deeper ties with Africa and the Middle East.

As a committed UN member and an emerging actor with global responsibility, Mexico also belongs to such leading organizations as the G20 or OECD. In the multilateral arena, we value our constructive cooperation with like-minded countries such as Switzerland on peace and security; disarmament and arms-control; international cooperation for development; climate change; human rights and humanitarian law, among other relevant issues.

The Alianza del Pacífico, a dynamic new integration process in Latin America, which is currently chaired by Mexico and where the Swiss Confederation enjoys observer status, is yet another token of the increasing cooperation between our two countries.


Ladies and gentlemen,

In the bilateral field, I am proud to tell you that we have experienced remarkable progress, undertaking concrete actions to strengthen our political and economic ties, as well as fostering our academic exchanges and cooperation in science, technology and innovation.

At this point, I would like to request the representatives of the Federal Department of External Affairs to kindly convey to President Didier Burkhalter the gratitude of President Peña Nieto for the friendly message of good wishes the he sent him today on the occasion of Mexico´s National Day expressing his conviction that the bonds of trust and friendship between our nations will strengthen and intensify in the future.

And, indeed, they have intensified! During this past year, we witnessed, among other relevant actions, a presidential encounter at the World Economic Forum in Davos, as well as a series of ministerial and high-level meetings along with political, multilateral and economic consultations. Furthermore, a trilateral cooperation agreement was signed between our Development Agencies; the Swiss Business Hub in Mexico was upgraded; and a new ProMéxico office for promoting trade and investment was established in Switzerland.

All these achievements would not have been possible without the assistance of our Swiss partners from the public and private sectors, both at federal as well as cantonal level.
I look forward to working even more closely with all of you in the future to deepen our cooperation, particularly with a view to the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of our diplomatic relations in 2015/2016.

Ich bedanke mich bei allen unseren Freunden und Gesprächspartnern und wünsche uns auch in Zukunft eine enge und konstruktive Zusammenarbeit. Je vous remercie, chers amis, pour votre collaboration. Mille grazie a voi, cari amici, per la vostra collaborazione.

Unsere Anerkennung gilt auch unseren Partnern im Fürstentum Liechtenstein mit dem Mexiko in diesem Jahr das 20. Jubiläum unserer diplomatischen Beziehungen feierlich begeht.



Dear guests,

Mexico is a country blessed with a vast cultural heritage full of creativity and tradition, a unique «soft power» of which we are extremely proud. Mexican artists have taken part in cultural events in this country, be it art exhibitions (like the one we had at the Kunst Museum Bern late last year), film festivals (where Mexican films have received various awards), music, particularly opera, dance and folklore. Not to forget also sports events such as the recent Archery World Cup final held in Lausanne where Mexican archers won two gold medals.

In our promotional endeavors, I am fortunate to count on the support of the 6 Mexican associations and the 5 Honorary Consulates of Mexico established in various cantons as well as in Vaduz. Special mention is also due to the newly founded chapter for Switzerland and Liechtenstein of the Global Network of highly qualified Mexicans living in these two countries.

I would like to publicly thank all of them for their valuable collaboration. Muchas gracias a todos ustedes, estimados compatriotas y amigos de México, por su invaluable apoyo en la promoción de la imagen de nuestra nación. Muchas felicidades a las asociaciones por el XX aniversario de su creación en Suiza, así como al Capítulo de la Red Global por su reciente constitución. Enhorabuena a todos, mucho éxito en sus actividades, y cuenten con todo el apoyo de la Embajada y el mío personal. Mi gratitud igualmente a todos mis compañeros de trabajo en la Embajada de México por su valiosa colaboración.



Ladies and gentlemen,

Without further ado, I would now like to introduce to you «En Cuerdas», a splendid Swiss-Mexican duo – with Cornelia Leuthold on chello and David Talamante on guitar– who will take us on a musical journey across Ibero-America with works by Mexican, Spanish and South American composers.
Please join me in welcoming «En Cuerdas»…

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14embajador grito300x400Dear friends,

I hope that you enjoyed this wonderful musical journey. Once again, our gratitude to these two talented musicians. Danke, merci vielmals, Cornelia! Muchas gracias, David!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mexico is also well known for its unique cuisine designated as intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO. It is my pleasure to invite you now to our reception and to enjoy a sampling of Mexican culinary delicacies as well as to a tasting of our typical drinks, such as tequila and mezcal, not to forget our famous margaritas.

We hope that they will whet your appetite for more, enticing you to visit Mexico – one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world – where you will be received with open arms with the proverbial Mexican hospitality. As we like to say in Mexico: mi casa es su casa.

Y ahora, un anuncio muy especial para todos los mexicanos aquí presentes, así como los amigos de México que deseen acompañarnos: al final de la recepción, como culminación de nuestro festejo patrio y para cerrar con broche de oro, los invito a dar juntos el tradicional Grito de Independencia y entonar nuestro Himno Nacional.

Thank you for your attention, dear friends, and enjoy the reception!
¡Muchas gracias a todos! … ¡Viva México!



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La amistad mexicano-suiza brilló en la recepción oficial

Para conmemorar el Día Nacional de México, el Embajador Jorge Castro-Valle ofreció una recepción en el Rathaus de Berna, a la que asistieron autoridades gubernamentales y cantonales, parlamentarios, cuerpo diplomático y representantes de asociaciones de residentes mexicanos en diversas cuidades suizas. Particularmente destacable fue la presencia de miembros de la Red de Talentos mexicanos entre los que se encontraba su presidente Dr. Luis Flores Castillo y de la que forman parte algunos miembros de PuntoLatino.

Otra nota harto simpática fue que en la segunda parte de la recepción, la tradicional ceremonia del Grito de la Independencia, permanecieron varios embajadores latinoamericanos.

En la primera parte el aspecto multicultural de Suiza se percibía en las animadas discusiones en varias lenguas, en la segunda parte el español se apoderó de la recepción.

El Embajador de México en Suiza mencionó en su alocución la «Alianza del Pacífico»: The Alianza del Pacífico, a dynamic new integration process in Latin America, which is currently chaired by Mexico and where the Swiss Confederation enjoys observer status, is yet another token of the increasing cooperation between our two countries.

De PuntoLatino estuvieron Luis Vélez Serrano, Alexandre Ramos Peon, Alejandra Barrera Cárdenas y Diego Bachmann Rubio. Los miembros mexicanos de PuntoLatino se explayaron explicando las diferencias del tequila y del mezcal a los invitados suizos.

PuntoLatino – Berna 15.09.14.


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Foto 1: Embajador Jorge Castro en el discurso. © Alex Ramos de PL

Foto 2: Duo «En cuerdas»: David Talamante (México) y Cornelia Leuthold (Suiza). ©Cortesía de la Embajada de México

Foto 3: El Embajador Castro-Valle en la ceremonia del Grito. © Cortesía de la Embajada de México

Foto 4: Un aspecto a la recepción oficial. © Cortesía de la Embajada de México

Foto 5: Duo «En Cuerdas». © Luis Vélez-Serrano de PL

Foto 6: Embajador Jorge Castro-Valle. © Alex Ramos de PL

Foto 7: El Embajador Jorge Castro rodeado por los miembros de PuntoLatino: Luis Vélez Serrano, Alex Ramos, Alejandra Barrera y Diego Bachmann.

Berna 15 de septiembre 2014.


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