Discurso del Embajador de Colombia en Suiza, Julián Jaramillo

en ocasión de la celebración del Día Nacional, Berna, Rathaus 16.05.2017


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El embajador Jaramillo pronunciando su discurso


Berna. 16 de mayo de 2017. En el marco del Plan de Promoción de Colombia en el Exterior del Ministerio de Relaciones exteriores, la Embajada de Colombia en Suiza presentó, en la emblemática “Rathaus” de Berna, el concierto “Nuestras Raíces”, a cargo de los músicos colombianos residentes en Suiza, Carolina Sarmiento y Óscar Velásquez.
El concierto, concebido como un viaje musical por Colombia, incluyó un amplio repertorio que deleitó a los asistentes con piezas típicas de diversas regiones del país: el Amazonas, los Andes, el Sur de Colombia, el Pacífico, los Llanos orientales y el Caribe, permitiendo así mostrar la variedad y riqueza de nuestra tradición musical.
Óscar Velásquez, quien hizo los arreglos para el concierto, nos deleitó con su interpretación magistral de la flauta, el clarinete, la percusión y diferentes instrumentos de raíz indígena y africana.
Por su parte, Carolina Sarmiento, pianista clásica, hizo gala de su gran talento y su amor por la música colombiana, a pesar de no ser su especialidad.
El evento tuvo los mejores comentarios por parte del público asistente compuesto, fundamentalmente, por miembros del cuerpo diplomático acreditado en Berna y funcionarios del Gobierno Federal suizo.



Good afternoon, Muy buenas tardes,

Welcome to all the colleagues of the Diplomatic corps, Representatives and members of the Swiss government, academics, and all of our guests. Amigos Todos.
Many of you have made a huge effort to join us here today. On behalf of all of us, we are deeply thankful and offer you our most grateful welcome.
I am delighted to see you here accompanying us today in the celebration of the National day of Colombia. The invitation is open to share with us the most representative day for our country.

I would like to make a special mention and I am pleased to introduce two Colombian musicians, the pianist Carolina Sarmiento and the saxophonist Oscar Velásquez, who will be in charge of the performance during this event.

First of all, I would like to thank the Swiss confederation for all the support given during the peace process that our country signed last year, we are most grateful.
It is essential to mention the commitment of the Swiss government with Colombia, in 2016, the President of the Swiss Confederation, Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, was welcomed by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos in Bogotá on an official visit.

This was the first visit to our country by a Swiss president. We know that Colombia is a priority for Switzerland regarding peace-building, humanitarian aid, and economic development.

Swiss cooperation and commitment with Colombia ranges from industrial and environmental aid to humanitarian and conflict resolution. Not many countries support Colombia in this wide range of aspects, and we are very grateful for this.

Colombia is taking decisive steps towards further growth and security. With clear internationalization policies and our compass set in competitiveness and productive transformation, and the implementation of the Peace Agreements, we will show the world a better Colombia: a land of peace and opportunities.

Throughout 2016 Colombia showed an increase and diversification of export firms that had traditionally focused on mining and energy goods. At the same time,

Colombia consolidated tourism as a key income generator and our Government made the greatest investment in infrastructure to adapt to these needs.

Last year, the country reached more than 2,000 new companies and almost 900 new exporting goods were sold in the international market.

Another fact that is remarkable, is the evolution of international confidence in our country, due to the establishment of more than 700 multinational operations between 2010 and 2015 that brought job creation and transfer of knowledge.

With respect to international trade, Colombian exports grew again last November after two years of hardships caused by an adverse international environment related to petroleum.

This due to a comprehensive industrial development policy undertaken by our Government, which brought up significant results.

It is essential to mention that Colombia is an attractive country for foreign investment due to the multiple tributary benefits it offers to investors. Last year, 85% of foreign investment was destined to others sectors apart from oil and mining.

Our foreign direct investment is growing, placing our country as one of the 25th largest recipients of this kind of investment in the world, and the second largest economy in Latin America with the best growth projection.

Colombia has also signed strong regional agreements such as the Pacific Alliance which is the (8) eighth largest economy and the (8) eighth largest exporter worldwide. Strengthening this Alliance is extremely important for us, and we are working effectively towards this goal in cooperation with the other countries that are part of this agreement: Peru, Chile and Mexico.

Today, we can tell our citizens that we have almost 3000 Colombian products that can be exported to 83 countries around the world, thanks to this Alliance.
The country has reasons to believe that 2017 will be a year in which the country’s economy will grow. Low inflation, increased oil prices, clarity on the fiscal outlook with the Tax Reform, and development on both the agricultural and electricity sectors, are reasons to be optimistic.

In addition, our commitment with the environment is evidenced by the initiatives launched last year: the launch of the National Biodiversity Plan and the National Policy on Integrated Management of Biodiversity, which is the road map, that will give us towards finding the balance between conservation and economic growth.
Colombia has also pledged to reduce greenhouse gases; this target will be accomplished following the tax reform that plays a key role in the sustainable development of the country, including a new measure to charge a carbon tariff for fossil fuels in order to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.

Furthermore, Colombia was consolidated as a leading country in terms of biodiversity protection, preservation of the moors and forests, maintenance of water resources and finally, adaptation and mitigation against the effects of climate change.

Colombia achieved a historic international cooperation at the Paris Climate Conference – COP 21 where it played a leading role throughout the negotiations.
In the field of tourism, the country reached a record figure of nearly 4.5 million of foreign tourists last year. Which generated 2 million of jobs for this sector.
Also, it is worth highlighting the 48 new flight routes that were approved thanks, not only, to the largest mobilization of passengers and cargo, but also thanks to Government investment of over US$ 2.8 billion to expand and modernize airport infrastructure. The Dorado Airport of Bogotá was recognized as the best in South America by the annual World Airport Awards in 2016.

To date, more than 150 tourism infrastructure projects have been implemented throughout the country. There are also some mega-projects on the way sponsored through public-private partnerships that will be the foundation for development of the regions.

Social equity is a priority, for instance, the reduction of poverty is based largely on improved working conditions and inclusive economic growth, thousands of people are going out of poverty thanks to comprehensive Government interventions, such as rural development programs, quality and better employment, and universal health coverage, just to mention a few examples.

Last, but not least, education has become a priority for our current government. Colombia is moving towards the goal of being the best educated country in Latin America in the year 2025.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude once again with all of you for being interested in our country and joining us this afternoon in the celebration of our National Day.I don´t want to keep you from enjoying the wonderful musicians, so let’s start the performance. Have a very good evening!

Thank you very much.


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Carolina Sarmiento and the saxophonist Oscar Velásquez



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