U.S. Embassy Switzerland: Celebrating Press Freedom Day with Dean Lucy A. Dalglish
By DAVID OTTALINI | Published: MAY 2, 2013
The following is a media release from the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland detailing Dean Dalglish’s activities this week leading up to International Press Freedom Day on Friday:
(BERN, Switzerland) In the run up to International Press Freedom Day on Friday May 3, the U.S. Embassy Bern Public Affairs Team invited Lucy Dalglish, Dean of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland since August 2012. Lucy Dalglish served as executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press from 2000 to 2012. The Reporters Committee is a voluntary, unincorporated association of reporters and news editors dedicated to protecting the First Amendment interests of the news media.
On Tuesday, April 30, Lucy Dalglish held a presentation on Press Freedom and the Transparency of Information at the IMD Business School in Lausanne. She also did a podcast, responding to questions asked by IMD’s Executive Director Jim Pulcrano. IMD Alumni, members of the Evian Group@IMD and business leaders from all corners of Switzerland attended the event and the presentation was followed by a lively Q&A session.
On the following day, Ms. Dalglish and Embassy personnel met with faculty members of Bern University’s law school and compared U.S. and Swiss laws regarding media and journalism. Lucy Dalglish also held a guest lecture for law students highlighting the way media law influences press freedom and what issues come into play when new laws are implemented to regulate press.
An informal meeting in the evening of May 1 with the social media proponents of the Bern region (http://blgmndybrn.ch/?p=271) turned into an involved and animated discussion on copyright and transparency issues, privacy rights and prior constraint. Lucy Dalglish will go on to hold a presentation on Press Freedom in the U.S. on Thursday, 12pm at the Polit-Forum Käfigturm as well as providing an overview on the topic at the MAZ-Swiss School of Journalism.
© Philip Merrill College of Journalism, David Ottalini
La conferenciante Lucy Dalglish (Directora ejecutiva del Comité de Libertad de Prensa en EE.UU.), rodeada [de izq. a der.] por Javier Gamero Kinosita (jurista), Ursula Wyss (especialista en Medios y Prensa de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Suiza), Michael Fritsche (co-director del Foro Político del Gobierno federal suizo), Aleyander N. Daniels (Agregado cultural de la Embajada de EE.UU. en Suiza), Andreas Schilter (co-director del Foro Político del Gobierno federal suizo), Juan Morán Montoya (sociólogo), Luis Vélez Serrano (comunicador en PuntoLatino) y Luis Felipe Montes (redactor de PuntoLatino) en la sede del Käfigturm (Politforum des Bundes).
Lucy Dalglish – http://merrill.umd.edu/directory/lucy-dalglish
BLGMNDYBRN – http://blgmndybrn.ch
Polit-Forum Käfigturm – www.kaefigturm.ch