The history of institutionalization of archaeology in Peru
Mittwoch 3. April 2019, 18h bis 19h30, Museum Rietberg ZÜRICH. Kostenlos. Limited seating, Registration required.
Rahmen: Vorträge zur Archäologie in Lateinamerika
Vortrag: Christian Mesia-Montenegro von der Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru – Er spricht (auf Englisch).
Eine Kooperation des Museums Rietberg mit dem Archäologischen Institut der Universität Zürich. Die international besetzte Vortragsreihe zeigt die Vielfalt der archäologischen Forschungswelt.
Christian Mesia-Montenegro (Director of the Humanities Research, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru):
The history of institutionalization of archaeology in Peru. (in English)
The evolution of social complexity is a heated debated topic that has surpassed geographical boundaries and has attracted the interest of hundreds of scholars through space and time. Peru is one of those places where intensive archaeological research has been carried on in order to understand the vast complexity of its archeological record, which has led to name the country as one of the six civilizations of the ancient world. Regardless the loosely use of the term civilization and its variant definitions, this acknowledgement was influential in the development of the archaeological discipline as a profession. In this talk Christian Mesía will explore the political and historical nuances that influenced the establishment of archaeology as a professional discipline, since the creation of the National Museum in 1822 until the creation of the Professional College of Archaeologists in 1987 and the Ministry of Culture in 2009.
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